Yay! Today is the day I have officially finished my yr 3 sem 2 exam! Wanna dedicate to my friends from NTU who fought hard with me during the exam! Well, Good Luck to my NUS friends who are still struggling for exam now~ =P This is not gloating over their misery but I wanna wish Madeleine Chew aka Mad Mad, LiJia aka Cha cha! Go Go GO!!!!! =D truCkload of LuCKs!
Halo Ivy , I am yaotian aka Giggspyt... This is my first time 第一次在弦歌寄意留言. I Am so Happy and a fan of yes 933 for so many years. I wish to 想点歌给我的好朋友 Danny,zhen he ,yongxian, jamie, hanhan,malvis,luci ,nut, and all the reunion guild in maple and those who know me,my god-sisters shan jie and wish candy-jie to has a successful operation and stay strong and healthy. 想点的歌 :
hi 'dj's today is my birthday and i wish to dedicate a song for myself today.. i didnt really have a good birthday for the past few years and i wish this year thing can be slightly better for me.. at least i dun wish to have anymore heartbreaking moment on this years birthday.. and ofcose thanks djs..
if possible i wish to hear this song.. 祝我生日快乐 - landy ty alot djs
hello ivy 这是我的第一次在93.3 blog 点歌。希望被念出。首先, 我想把歌曲点给我的好朋友们!芊仪,雪琳 ,思源.谢谢你们给予我支持。思源加油 for band!雪琳加油 for bowling!别去想今天烦恼的事了,明天会更好!芊仪加油 for everything,在我们心里you are the best already! 我也想把歌点给少伟,祝他过个难忘的生日。生日快乐!lastly to all deejays,happy working and 辛苦了。
Sunny here . This is my first post. Just wanna test test only . Haha . Been hearing to 933 very frequent recently . Hope to dedicate to all my friends and myself and all the yes 933 dj and listeners . I hope you can win the joke PK later . Make a guess in the following qns . A fire broke out in the MRT, who will die in the fire ?
Hello Ivy~!
Yay! Today is the day I have officially finished my yr 3 sem 2 exam! Wanna dedicate to my friends from NTU who fought hard with me during the exam! Well, Good Luck to my NUS friends who are still struggling for exam now~ =P This is not gloating over their misery but I wanna wish Madeleine Chew aka Mad Mad, LiJia aka Cha cha! Go Go GO!!!!! =D truCkload of LuCKs!
Thanks IVY!
Halo Ivy ,
I am yaotian aka Giggspyt...
This is my first time 第一次在弦歌寄意留言. I Am so Happy and a fan of yes 933 for so many years. I wish to 想点歌给我的好朋友 Danny,zhen he ,yongxian, jamie, hanhan,malvis,luci ,nut, and all the reunion guild in maple and those who know me,my god-sisters shan jie and wish candy-jie to has a successful operation and stay strong and healthy.
想点的歌 :
阿桑 一直很安静
罗志祥 爱转角
xie xie IvY jie
Hello Ivy,
我是骑士。我有3月没有在弦歌寄意留言了。。。 今天是我的女友,莹莹的第17岁的生日。。。我想点她,也想要祝她生日快乐。。。 我也想要点歌给 WSSS SEC 5B 的 Wei Sheng, Jun Wei, Ivan 和 Rui Sheng 祝他们文书快乐。。。 最后,还要点给你,Ivy。。。谢谢!
林俊杰 只对你说
罗志祥 恋爱达人
周杰倫 我不配
To Ivy:
我是骑士. 我有一个小小的要求,就是要 09:45pm 念出我的留言。。。 谢谢!
hi 'dj's
today is my birthday and i wish to dedicate a song for myself today..
i didnt really have a good birthday for the past few years and i wish this year thing can be slightly better for me..
at least i dun wish to have anymore heartbreaking moment on this years birthday..
and ofcose thanks djs..
if possible i wish to hear this song..
祝我生日快乐 - landy
ty alot djs
我想把歌点给我中学的朋友,因为大家都毕业了,然后大家都很想念中学的日子和朋友。POLY的生活很不一样,大家还是会说:‘’I miss my secondary school days.''
Xiaoma (:
Hello Ivy
主持人 你好...
(不好意思 我不想留下姓名)
我想在今天點播張惠妹的"我恨我愛你"給自己 或者 梁靜茹的"天燈"
其實我很想問...我們繼續保持這樣的關係 真的好嗎
那天見面之後 我們似乎都打亂了自己原有的生活
但是 我們是為了什麼在繼續著我們的錯
我很想知道 但我該怎麼知道
就好像 我一直想問 你是否在想著我
而我... 卻從來都沒有說出口
而"你"不會知道 更不可能會知道
因為你一定知道 我不會讓你知道
這樣的感覺...好像是我一直等待 一直想要擁有的
從我們相識的那一刻至今 九年了
為什麼這一刻 來得那麼遲
你告訴我 好嗎...
我的心 這幾天 都在刺痛
如果這一刻 我離開了
至少面對著此刻的你 我是笑著的
Hi Ivy,
*想告诉Chongqing,他演的Aunty Lucy真的很棒!!!
歌曲:全世界都停电 - Tank
Hello Ivy!
第二次在弦歌寄意留言。Yah! 第一次没有听到我的留言,希望这次能听见。考试已经开始了,加油加油哦,TPS 的 6 Care 同学们!大家一起努力哦!想把歌点给Amanda, Cheryl, Sabrina, Shermaine, Yi Hong, Ryan, Brian, 王翻等认识我的人,而且想把歌点给喜欢飞轮海的人和Ivy你哦。会LoVe飞轮海 always 哦!加油加油!
(Thanks Ivy!)
哈咯,艾微!第一次点歌,希望被念出!:)ANYWAY,我的名字是陈洁依!哈哈..不是歌手啦!想点歌给我的几位好朋友包括,ELIS,SHU WEN,WEI LI..当然不会忘记我的宝贝,JOHANNAS..哈哈.希望我们永远恩爱!也当然点给家人,MOMMY,DADDY,PAUL AND BROTHER,ISAAC..最后要点给你,艾微咯!希望等在9点左右念出,好吗?拜托..谢谢!想听到唐禹哲或飞轮海的歌!谢了! :) 会继续点歌的!
hello ivy
这是我的第一次在93.3 blog 点歌。希望被念出。首先, 我想把歌曲点给我的好朋友们!芊仪,雪琳 ,思源.谢谢你们给予我支持。思源加油 for band!雪琳加油 for bowling!别去想今天烦恼的事了,明天会更好!芊仪加油 for everything,在我们心里you are the best already! 我也想把歌点给少伟,祝他过个难忘的生日。生日快乐!lastly to all deejays,happy working and 辛苦了。
想点的歌 : 不,完美
Hi Ivy,
Sunny here . This is my first post. Just wanna test test only . Haha . Been hearing to 933 very frequent recently . Hope to dedicate to all my friends and myself and all the yes 933 dj and listeners . I hope you can win the joke PK later . Make a guess in the following qns . A fire broke out in the MRT, who will die in the fire ?
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